Edcite recommends adding a school-name to your account during the sign-up process. To facilitate this, Edcite maintains a list of school names -- by state -- and you can select your school from this list.
We periodically update our database of school names to reflect new schools or changes. Occasionally, some schools may not yet appear in our list.
In these situations, you can add your school by following these steps:
1. During signup for new account -- you will see a prompt asking if you want to add your school.
2. Click on it -- enter school name, state, etc.
3. Press the Add School button to save this prior to entering your grade/subject details.
We will then include your school in our database -- so, other teachers in your school will find your school in the selector.
We update this information once a month.
If you expect many teachers from your school/district to start earlier, please email hello@edcite.com with a request to expedite and we will!
For more help on this or any other topics, please contact hello@edcite.com.
Click the following link to access the Google Document for this solution:
ENG 12-11
Updated 2 June 2017