Information on the Audit Log [Edcite Schools Feature]

Information on the Audit Log [Edcite Schools Feature]

This feature is available as part of our premium platform, Edcite Schools. To learn more about Edcite Schools, click here.

The Audit Log allows admins to view a detailed, chronological record of events and activities within an Edcite Schools account.

1. The Admin/Sub Admin must be logged into the Main Admin Account.
2. Click the School House icon in the upper right corner.
3. Select "Audit Log" from the drop-down menu.

Once the Audit Log opens, you will see information under the following headings:
1. Type: The type of user that performed the action: Educator, Student, Sub Admin, or Proxy. Note: "Proxy" indicates that the 'Log in as' tool was used by an admin to log into another user's account.
2. Entry: The action that was carried out.
3. Module: The part of the system that is being tracked.
4. Entity ID: This refers to the User ID of the user who performed the action.
5. Timestamp: The date and time the action took place.