1. From the navigation bar on the left of your screen, select Questions and then click Create Question.
2. At the top of the page, select the Student Action button, then choose the Select Answer button. Under Select Answer Types on the left of your screen, choose the Multiple Choice Question. Finally, on the right of screen, select Create Batch.
3. Create a .csv file like the one shown in the example below:
Note: the header is optional. If your file has a header, make sure you check the 'File includes Header' checkbox so the header won't be read as a question.
4. Click the Upload File button near the top right of the screen, and your file will be uploaded into the page. You should see as many rows in the table as there are questions in your file.
5. Edit Stimulus/Prompt: Click on a cell to see a menu with options for that cell. For e.g, you can use the rich editor on the stimulus, question prompts and answer choices with the 'Edit' menu option.
6. Set the correct answer by checking the 'Answer' checkbox in the menu. The selected choice will turn green.
7. Once you have confirmed that everything looks as it should, click the Save Question button on the top right of your screen. You will see a prompt indicating that your questions have been saved.
8. You can use the Preview (eyeball) button on the right to view the question when saved.