Follow these step by step instructions to create a Multimedia Matching question.
1. From your top navigation bar, click on Content and then select Create Question.
2. Select the Student Action button. Click on the Image button. Select the Multimedia Matching question and then click on the Create Question button.
3. Name your question in the space provided and click the Save button.
4. Add an optional stimulus in the space provided. Enter your stimulus directly in the space provided or click the Blue Pencil button to open your Rich Text Editor. You can add videos, audio, images, and passages in this section.
5. If desired, change the point value in the space provided. Add student instructions and click the Gear button.
6. Choose a Horizontal or Vertical Layout. Enter the number of Tries Allowed in the space provided. Click the (+) button to Add Distractors. Click the Done button upon completion.
7. Enter your matching elements by either entering text directly into the box or clicking on the Blue Pencil button to open the Rich Text Editor. Here you can upload images, videos, and even audio recordings. To add an element, click the + Add Element button. To delete an element, click the red (x).
8. Tag learning standards to your question by clicking the Tags tab. For more information about Tagging Standards, click here for step by step instruction.
9. Click the Show More button to see additional options. If desired, add a Rubric, Settings, Solutions, and Hints. For more information about these options, please click here.
For more help on this or any other topics, please contact
Updated 16 Nov 2017