My Students
How to Create a New Student [Teachers]
1. On the navigation bar to the left of your screen, select Rosters, My Students. 2. Click the Create Students button near the top right of the screen. 3. Add the student information in the spaces provided and click the Create Student button at the ...
How to Delete a Student
Note: Deleting a student completely and permanently removes the student and their data from the account. Another option is to Archive the student. When a student is Archived, they are removed from the classes, but you can Unarchive them later if you ...
How to Reset a Student's Password
1. From the navigation bar on the left of your screen, select Rosters, My Students. 2. Select a student by clicking on their name, and then select Change Student Password? on the bottom left of the popup. 3. Type in a new password to the right of ...
Rosters - Unarchive a Student [Teachers]
There are three student statuses in Edcite: Active - student is actively in the class Archived - student is no longer in the class but data for the student can still be accessed Deleted - student and all associated data is completely deleted from ...
How to Archive a Student
Note: Archiving is preferable over deleting because it allows the educator to unarchive students in case an error is made. 1. From the navigation bar to the left of your screen, select Rosters, My Students. 2. Check the box to the left of the name(s) ...