Create a Question

How to Create a New Question

This help document walks through how to create a new question. For step-by-step instructions on creating particular question types, please search our Help Center. For example, this link brings you to our help document on creating a Multiple Choice (#005) question.

1. From the navigation bar on the left side of your screen, click Questions and select Create Question.

2. Create a specific question:
  1. Filter questions by Student Action, Subject, Full Listing, or My Favorites.
  2. Select the Category of question to the right of "Categories"
  3. Choose the question type in the box to the left of the question preview.

You can see a sample question by clicking the Sample button. To create a new question, click Create Question.

  1. Note: You can add a question type to your favorites by click the Star icon. To see your list of favorites, click on the "My Favorites" filter.

3. When you click Create Question, the Question Editor will open with the question type that was chosen. Edit the question in Edit view and preview by toggling to Preview near the top right of your screen. When the question is complete, click Save.

On Edcite, Questions are the individual items students will answer. An Assignment is a set of questions you combine and assign to students. For information on how to create an assignment, click here.

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