Edcite Schools Creating a Common Assessment

How to Create a Teacher Assigned Common Assessment [Edcite Schools Feature]

This feature is available as part of our premium platform, Edcite Schools. To learn more about Edcite Schools, click here.

Common Assessment Notes
  • Common Assessments allow other team members to use the same assessment so that data for all students in compiled in one set of reports.

  • The creator of the Teacher Assigned Common Assessment is the ONLY user who can unlock or edit the assessment. 

  • For the Teacher Assigned Common Assessment to work, it must be moved into a shared folder. 

Creating a Common Assessment
1.  Open Assignment Editor. Depending on they type of exam you are editing, you can get there three different ways. 
  1. Assignment from Library- Click Assignments on the navigation bar on the left of your screen, select Library, then click on the three dots at the bottom right of the tile and select Customize

  2. My Assignment- Click Assignments on the navigation bar on the left of your screen, select My Assignments, then click on the name of the assignment you want to edit

  3. Create an Assignment- Click Assignments on the navigation bar on the left of your screen, select Create Assignment. Find more on creating a new assignment here. 

2. Once in the Assignment Editor, click on the green lock icon to the left of the "Share" button. After you click on the lock, the assessment becomes a "Locked Common Assessment."

3.  To share the assessment with other teachers, select the Share button at the top right of your screen. 

4. In the pop up, select the folder you would like to share the assessment with, then click Add. 


All teachers with access to that folder can now access the Common Assessment! They can use these directions to find and assign the assessment.